Boondoggle: term for a scheme that waste time and money. What a great word! It so happens to apply to what is happening in my company. A year ago they changed the company's dress code---making it more casual and modern. Just last month I donated all the old button down three quarter shirts and dress pants to Goodwill (there were close to 30-40 dress shirts in a rainbow of colors---I miss them). The old updated dress code was pretty basic (polo shirts and khakis for everyone! I actually felt and looked pretty good when I went in to work----though I could still spike my look with my whimsical socks and various Chuck Taylor's.) I came back from vacation with a memo on my dress code---this time for management only. Now I must wear a buttoned collared blouse, black or brown dress pants/skirts, brown or black dress shoes---and if I were a dude my hair must be above the collar and my van dyke would have to go (meaning what most people refer to as a goatee with a mustache). So very 1962. I made the comment that soon they be asking that I shave my legs...Two loop holes in the dress code: it fails to mention restrictions on accessories and says that a woman can wear a dress of any color as long as it is professional. I have purchased two dresses thus far...and I am looking forward to stocking up on my overtheknee socks to wear with my skorts when I come back to the day shift in March. (Note: socks pictures above are most adored and below are the two new dresses from b & lu)

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