Adam Rex: hisworkmakes me smile. And his little take on the holidays does just that. And for one that is a bit blue this holiday season because her tree stayed in the box in the attic, this illustration helped put things into a lighter perspective.... just a bit. May you find a reason to smile this holiday....
There are some little magic things that are helping me get through December so I can start again. Michael Parkes happens to be one of those things. Pictured above is his painting of Tuesday's Child. His work is described as magic surrealism...something I thought I would typically stray from. Alas, his lovely work has eased my troubled brow...just a bit. How I love the light of his skies and the weight of his forms. The other is the joyous writing of my favorite author in the whole wide know world of fiction, Jeanette Winterson. This season she has written a few superb words about her thoughts on a new short children's story that was featured in Time: The Lion The Unicorn and Me. She is one that I would love to sit in front of a fire, sip tea, and have her read to me the thoughts that roam her mind....
I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.---Marilyn