Dear Friends and Family, This year I am taking the Handmade Pledge. This is my promise to the world of arts and crafts that I will support the creativity in others as well as myself. Trying to budget the time for inspiration is tough this time of year. I feel it will be worth the challenge for you and for me. It is with this hope and promise of art working that I plan to stave off the holiday blues. Wish me luck...Oh, the goodies that await each of you!
Ohio winters crack my hands. Sounds painful, and it is. To boot my skin is uber sensitive to just about everything (from lotions to types of fabric blends in socks...weird, huh?). Lotions for sensitive skins usually induce horrid winces of agony on my I would rather have the cracks ache. Until today. I was out on a quick errand to grab The Illustrated Lifeby Danny Gregory ( an inspiring journaling man) when my poor hands had had enough. I knew the book store sold lotions and I braved the frilly section by the checkouts to seek something for relief....even if it would sting like crazy. What I discovered wasBurt's Bees Beeswax Hand Cream. I was doing the I am in pain dance while I waited in the afternoon holiday lines at the checkout. And once I forked over the money...I opened the jar to find a bit a Bee Heaven. OH! It is the best stuff ever! It soothed and conditioned my poor chapped hands. AND it smells like bananas (a scent that I typically believe should be left in bread and ice cream pops). But in this little jar and on my hands the aroma was quite pleasing and calming. Oh, how I love my little honey bees....pray it may be fiction that they are in trouble
This is my very first gingerbread house (kit). It looks completely different than the picture on the box. Surprise. I wanted to make my own house from scratch and thought it wise to pop $10 in order to experiment with a kit on the first go around. I was a little disappointed when I opened the box and the house was pre-assembled and only awaited decoration. My favorite things are the gum drop trees and bushes I made to animate the flat space on the house's little acre of snow. Even though the house was pre-assembled this sweet little house took me many many many hours to create. And it is now waiting for tomorrow in order to go outside and get sprayed with glitter and sealant.
I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.---Marilyn