A new little item has sprouted on The Corporate Cog: Etsy!Gnomelove = me. For now I am just an esty-addict buyer. Plans are in movement to become a "seller" of creations made from my hands (with the creative support of my patient husband, my "sew"-fantastic mother, and my stylish supportive sister). How I love thee, dear bright and hopeful Esty. I "research" the site daily! Better than chocolate milk in the morning (no offense to the beautiful cow pictured from RozArt's Shop on Etsy).
Chaos has nested in our place. The grand flip of the studio and library has taken longer---much longer than expected. Things are everywhere---residing in new and strange places (IE wrapping paper in the kitchen....aquarium in the bedroom). The attempt to do it alone has revealed that I am aging. The body is exhausted. Ten years ago this project would have happened at lightening speed...with time left over to go to the movies. At this juncture the only room in the home that is as it should be...is the lavatory. It is my favorite room in the house. Here is where the growing soap collection hangs out. The Mushroom and Gnome were made by Lovelee Soap and the teal dinosaur (that smells like a tangerine) is from Dugsoap. Both are shops on Etsy. They encourage me---that I will have the studio/library flip done by July 1st....so I can move on to the next mission in the escape plan...
Mom stopped by today for a surprise visit. So I surprised her by doing one of the things she loves to do---an afternoon excursion to Jo-Ann Fabrics. Our mission was to find material for curtains, chair cushions, and a table skirt for the studio. And Ka-Pow! We fell in love with this crazy trio of prints. I look forward to the sewing lesson for the curtains. It is supposed to be a lesson about simple and straight lines. Fingers crossed.
Please welcome the new paint pallet for the studio: Ms. Crazy Pink, That's "Mister" Cool Periwinkle, Lady Tiny Pebble, and The Discount Green Knight. Ah, such sweet delicious colors!
I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.---Marilyn