Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Reading Rainbow
My friend is such a clever creative girl. She is quite the bookworm, just like me. We both have a slew of books and very very full book shelves. During a recent shindig at her lovely abode I noticed her new arrangement of her books. They were sorted by color. How beautiful! Such a slendid idea made me quite envious. My own library is arranged alphabetically by chaos (the white shelves below her rainbow shelves).
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Mark and Marilyn

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Girls
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
- The metro was crazy.
- My toes and nose froze.
- After the third hour I was starving.
- My scarf was cute and useless.
- The port-a-potties were out of toilet paper.
- He arrived.
- He took his oath.
- He spoke to us.
- The benediction was great.
- The poem kind of sucked.
- My nose was still froze.
- I gave up on the scarf and feeling my toes.
- The stomach growl was fierce.
- The metro was even crazier.
- When we finally arrived to my friend Jason's home...I fell asleep mid sentence on the couch.
- It is the most amazing thing I have ever been a witness to...
- I am so thankful.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mrs. Fruit
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My second swap this month has to deal with writing five memoirs using only six words for each person. Honestly, I loved this assignment. Even though things took a turn and each memoir ended up with a matching doodle portrait of some of my most favorite people. (Perk up mate!...if your doodle portrait is missing there is an entire batch on the back burner in my dear head :) ). This assignment also revealed that I do indeed need to finally purchase a scanner in order to make my images appear more crisp for your viewing pleasure...What would be your six word memoir for your self? Or yours for me?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sometimes nature is such a wonder to behold....from within the coziness of my flannel pajamas inside my home. Such a day stirs my memory. My inner child is pleading to go outside and play...sled...make snow angles...snowballs...attempt a fort... come home an hour later in order to get broomed on the front porch (my mom used to make us stand just outside the front door while she used the broom to remove the snow off our clothes..)...then stand over the heat run for one blow cycle while hot chocolate is being made (with extra marshmallows). I would love to go outside and participate in this day...but, um, I lack adult sized snow bibs.....and I am out of hot coco.
Any guesses?
This is the amount it took to get my windshield washer fixed for my car. I am content with every penny that was spent to get her going again...since this weekend calls for quite the snowing. It also makes me more determined to learn more about the beautiful mystery of my vehicles mechanics. If I happen to have the chance to be reincarnated I am going to stand in the line for the mechanically inclined...until then I plan to sign up for a Mechanic I class at the local adult learning center.
Monday, January 5, 2009
- Keep going to the gym (and add the spinning class once a week). Since July 45 pounds have went MIA...and I am curious what can happen in another six months...
- Time to grow up (a bit) and find an entire house to rent.
- Remember the birthdays of others...and get the cards purchased or made into the mail on time.
- Donate blood.
- Get my teeth cleaned and a real physical.
- Start my etsy store.
- Participate in the Renegade Festival in Chicago.
- Finish my short story about Eve in the garden.
- Publish my children's book on LuLu or Blurb...and see what happens.
- Plan and execute three dinner per quarter (is that too dorky?)
- Learn how to do my own oil change.
- Payoff my medical bill (finally!)
- Start a real savings account...and leave it alone.
- Adopt a dog and a cat.
- Grow my own herbs.
- Cook more. Eat out way less.
- Pay more attention to the needs of my family and friends.
- Finish my first felt book before the nephew is born.
- Find my Aunt Charlotte and my college friend Yolanda.
- Take more pictures of people I love.
- Participate in more art swaps.
- Post art more often.
- Buy my own truck, couch, scanner, and printer...all for my art of course ;)
- Go on a canoe trip....and a bike trip.
- Ride a horse.
What are your plans?