A journal of a woman's fight to escape the business machine and return to a life with art.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
For the past few weeks I have been a guest at my sister's home. It has been wonderful to have such time to hang out with my little sister....doing things like grocery shopping, cooking, watching movies, and waxing poetic about life. In the best and worst of times it is a blessing to have such a sister. It is a bonus that she comes as a package deal with her loving golden retrieverMason Dixie. She brings extra warmth and goofiness into any situation. I love my sister and her furry partner.
I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.---Marilyn
sounds like a good time
Oh, you make me wish I had a dog again ... ! :-)
Mason is indeed quite the amazing animal...and oh so popular on her own blog...with over 50 followers.
Over 50 followers equals a cult.
nah...I think it means she is just way cute and popular!
Goldens are so cool. I miss Grace, the golden of a jerkweed who never gave her enough attention. So she glommed onto me whenever she saw me.
Thanks for visiting me Auntie Amy. You can come by whenever you want, I eat the best when you are here. =)
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