Wednesday, February 11, 2009


1260: how many times a humming bird heart will beat in a minute. My grandmother loved her hummingbirds. Many humid summer days were spent waiting for their arrival on the perch of the feeders that hung from her magnolia tree. We would sit on her glider and drink sun tea out of aluminum cups. My grandmother must be on our minds lately. Last week I doodled the above hummingbird, and then ordered a new necklace from Home Studio. Yesterday in the mail arrived a Valentine from my mother...featuring, yes indeed, another hummingbird. I miss my grandmother and watching for the hummingbirds...


desperate housefrau said...

the hummingbird is now my computer background.
Hope you don't mind.

I absolutely adore it.

The Cog said..., you made my day over here in Ohio! Thank you kindly!

Leisha Camden said...

Oh, wow ... beautiful story and beautiful drawing. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Shawn said...

They (hummingbirds) are all over San Diego. They're great.

Thanks for the nice read!

George said...

its beautiful and so are you.